This stack will let you have double arrows in the scroll bars of a scrolling field. Yes, just sit back and watch the delighted looks of you’re stack users as they no longer have to mouse up and down while they look for something. Other features of this stack include a left-handed dog ear button and double-clickable lines in the scrolling field. Version 1.0.
CCKeeper 2.0b4
This stack will keep all your credit card info at your fingertips. If you lose your wallet with all your cards inside, you can easily call the card companies and have all your account information right in front of you. Why give a credit card company $15 or more a year when you can get all the same functions on your Mac? Version 2.0b4 (has a much improved user interface than previous versions).
FlashCards 2.2
This stack will give you and your child a set of flashcards which is easy and fun to use. Just type in the list of words and the stack does the rest. It's really helped my kid learn her vocabulary words. Includes random word order, marking of problem words, and a much better interface than earlier versions. Version 2.2
MathCards 1.3
This stack will help your child learn basic math. It automatically generates new problems, as well as marking them (with corrections, if necessary). The difficulty level can be set to your child's level of ability, with an upper limit on problem difficulty as well as a lower limit (to make sure it's not too easy!). Holds the interest of my six-year-old with no trouble at all. Version 1.3 (adds a percentage grade when child is done).
Dog Ear 1.0
This is a left-handed dog ear type button. If you don't know what a dog ear button is, take a look at the note pad in the Finder. This button works the same way. If you like to make stacks with flip up pages (like a pad) this button will give you a more intuitive look and feel than a plain vanilla round rectangle button. Version 1.0
DoubleClick 1.1
This stack will let you use a double-clickable scrolling field. Instead of having a scrolling field and a "Go" button, for example, you can just double click on the line you want. Just like in the Finder! Easy to use and very flexible, can be used with any command, not just the "Go" command". Version 1.1